The word “Fitness” is thrown around quite a bit, especially when a new training program or philosophy hits the market. It seems as if the definition is murky, and not quite clearly understood. Todays Top 10: Ways To Gauge Your Fitness is a list of 5 tests, or exercise challenges, that I believe will give you a great indication of your real fitness level
One Mile Run
The truth is that even if you never run, you should be able to get a mile under your belt with ease. It doesn’t have to be fast but you shouldn’t have to walk, take breaks or slow jog it. You should be able to run a mile in 9 minutes of less – and what I’m watching for is if you can move continuously for a given distance. This is a great indicator of how efficient your body runs, produces and utilizes energy, and your muscular and cardiovascular endurance.
Bench One Legged Squats x 15
This exercise is great to expose a number of issues and if you can’t get even one rep, it shows you have weakness in your glutes, quads and hamstrings. And since it’s a one legged exercise, your balance and knee stabilization will be on display for all to see. I’m looking for 15 reps on each leg here demonstrated with perfect form without your knee pulling in, your low back rounded, or the use of momentum to stand back up.
Burpees x 1 minute
Can you perform this full body movement for 1 minute straight, with continuous motion? If so you’re a badass fitness machine! Burpees challenge multiple systems; muscular, cardiovascular, endurance, power and a bit of will. My version includes a squat jump when returning back to the standing position – and don’t forget the pushup. Your chest should hit the floor with every rep!
Pallof Press x 15 reps
Like the word fitness, “core” is also widely misused and misunderstood. Most of you truthfully won’t be able to perform one rep of this true core movement with correct form, let alone 15 reps. But those of you who have listened to my Angry Trainer Fitness suggestions over the last few months, you should breeze through this one. Form is everything, especially with this exercise. Your body must remain rigid, with everything square and level, no torqueing or twisting, and your hands move in the same path with each rep. Choose a moderate cable weight or resistance band and see what you’ve got.
One Legged Deadlift x 15
If you can perform all of these exercises with great form, chances are you have a well -rounded program. I didn’t include bench press or squat max lifts because I don’t think they do much to indicate a person’s fitness level. Nor did I use the old and boring sit and reach test, but rather the one legged deadlift to gauge your low back and hamstring flexibility and strength. Those of you that know me are aware this is my favorite exercise. It demonstrates balance, stability, flexibility, and strength in the glutes, hamstrings and low back. This is actually a great indicator of one’s “proprioception”, or the body’s awareness of where it is. I use this exercise in almost every single session and during my first training with a client to help gauge their fitness level.
if you can perform all of these exercises with great form, chances are you have a well -rounded program. I didn’t include bench press or squat max lifts because I don’t think they do much to indicate a person’s fitness level. Nor did I use the old and boring sit and reach test, but rather the one legged deadlift to gauge your low back and hamstring flexibility and strength